Father, Kambiz, (that is me!). I speak
English, barely passable French, Persian, elementary Spanish, Tajik, a few Mandarin Chinese words, and less than 10 Turkish
words to get us across 10 countries! I can also listen to excellent Russian, but will have no clue as to what is being said! -
- Profession:
Engineer, software VAR and developer
- Passion: technology,
travel, meeting new people, and Food! Private Pilot. Horses, Fishing, Food! Child education/development, Home Video producer!
… and did I mention Food?
- Education:
IIT (BS), Cornell (MEng), Stanford (MS) and Wharton Business School (MBA).
- Mother,
Adriana. Speaks English, Romanian, French, Spanish, with elementary knowledge of Russian.
- Profession, IT manager, software trainer.
- Education: Undergrad.: Cornell; MBA from
Thunderbird (American Graduate School of International Business, AGSIM
- Daughter, Leila, 12 years old at tavel time. Plays piano. Tennis. Horses.
Fishing. Speaks English, Persian / Tajik, and some Mandarin Chinese.